Welcome to the Roman Empire

Hello, young historians! Today, we are going to travel back in time to meet one of the most fascinating civilisations in history—the Romans! Are you ready to explore how they lived, what they invented, and the incredible mark they left on the world?

roman map

Marvels of Construction

First off, did you know that the Roman Empire was so huge it spread across three continents? From the cold, misty lands of Britain all the way to the sunny, sandy deserts of Egypt. Imagine ruling over lands with snow and sand dunes under the same empire!

roman soldiers

Gladiators and Games

The Romans are famous for their amazing builders. They built long roads that stretched for miles across countries, helping them travel quickly and keep the empire connected. Thanks to them, we still have straight roads in Britain today. They also constructed massive amphitheatres, where people watched gladiator fights and plays—much like the stadiums and theatres we enjoy today!

roman village

Legacy of the Romans

Lastly, the Romans left us with a rich legacy of art, architecture, and language. Many English words we use today come from Latin, the language of the Romans. Even some of our months are named after Roman gods and emperors—like July, named after Julius Caesar!